Launch and support Jacobs 3-in-1 among young, cool, and active people.
Increase brand awareness. Stimulate product
trial. Deliver key product benefits. Impress
and inspire consumers to buy the product.
Nivea from fuseproject on Vimeo.
Sampling is dead….Viva el sampling! We’ve
introduced to the audience non standard
animators - Sample Man and the Breakdancer.
These party guys were
Dry sampling with leafleting + Fun activities
with Sample Man, Breakdancer, Scooter
sampling and sample tree.
Dry sampling with leafleting + fun
activities with Sampleman, the Breakdancer,
scooter sampling and
a sample tree.
40% TA reached.
Over 4,000,000 contacts with TA.
Over 100,000 fun and dynamic contacts
82% conversion & 100% retention.
Furthermore, research showed that sampling increased awareness
JACOBS 3-in-1 11% more effectively than TV advertising and 16% more than out-of-home advertising*.